Thursday, December 9, 2010

Learning from others.

Some of the best advice I can give is to find other musicians to play with and learn from those that are better than you. Do not be intimidated. They were learning the basics at one point too. Find friends to play with, not only is it fun, you will learn things as you play. They might show you a song that you did not know or how to play a chord that you have never heard of. Not to sound preachy, but trust me because I've been through this experience.

I started taking lessons around 6th grade when I found out a friend in my class played guitar too. I thought he was a million times better than because he knew all these songs and how to play things that seemed impossible. So, I began taking lessons from his teacher El. El taught me the basics that I have showed you.  About a year later, El started giving me lessons with my friend. My goal at the time was to get better than my friend and it was a real confidence boost when started having lessons together. That was one of the points where I really felt I was getting better. So, go out and find people to play with because eventually you are going to know enough and want to start a band of your own. 

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