Thursday, December 9, 2010

Exploring other instruments.

So you can play guitar, but so can everyone else. I encourage you to explore playing other instruments, even if it lasts for only a month or two. You may not know this, but if you can play guitar that means you basically know how to play the bass guitar as well. A regular 4 string bass guitar has the same low 4 strings of a guitar, E-A-D-G. The bass strings are much thicker which makes the more difficult to play, but they are the same notes as a guitar. Playing the bass is much different than guitar though. The bass is the foundation and the drive of a song. The bass keeps the song together amongst the drums, guitars and whatever other instruments there are.

Along with the bass guitar, I suggest learning some piano/keyboard. Once you learn the notes on a piano/keyboard you can transcribe the chords from guitar to learn the chords on the piano/keyboard. In my opinion, the piano is one of the most difficult instruments to learn because it contains all the notes in the musical scale while most other instrument only contains a fraction of all the notes.

The most important instrument to explore is your voice. I highly regret not learning how to sing at an earlier age, but it is better late than never. Even if you think your voice is terrible, swallow your pride and try singing out. John Lennon thought he had a horrible voice and look how memorable his melodies are. Imagine John Lennon being to afraid to sing in front of people? Thank god he wasn't to afraid because I honestly don't want to know what the would be like with his music. That said, I recently starting to sing and I still think I am pretty bad, but the important thing is that I'm still trying and I encourage you to do that same.

Remember, it is better to have tried and failed than to have never have tried.

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