Monday, December 6, 2010

Buying your first instrument

For those of you who have never played any instrument and want to learn the first thing you have to do is go out and buy one. Now, there are many starter packages that are very cheap and are usually what people buy when they start, but I'm telling you not to fall into that trap. It is a complete waste of money. Starter guitar kits that include amps usually run for about 100-200 dollars, but the instrument and equipment are pieces of junk. They are the knock off brands of quality instruments. Think of this purchase as an investment in the future because it is.

I still have and play my first electric guitar, an Epiphone Les Paul, and it still sounds as good as when I got it over 10 years ago. It cost $550. Now, don't spend thousands of dollars on the top of the line equipment, but spend a good amount to where it will retain its value over the years. This way later if you want to trade anything you will actually get something for it.

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